Friday, November 9, 2012


Norma's Birthday Celebration ;)

Two days before her birthday (30/10/12), I'd started to browse through the internet for a theme for this party. Then, after few hours before my class started, the one in the picture above was set up ('s not that beautiful, right...but...that's the best that I could do.............) You asked me 'Why so sad?' :0 mmm... because...this is the first time that Norma's birthday's celebrated in the UK, (pity her, what sort of friends she has!!aaaa...sorry Norma!!) that's why I wanted to make sure that she likes it and that's really the best that I could do..since you know, allowance.. ;P *excuse - just ignore it :D

I was so uneasy as I was afraid that was a disaster really, then..haha I posted this picture on Instagram and few comments made my day :) -Thanks Kak Ika, Farah Ain, Shaira!! but of course, if I was the only one doing this, it would never be this great....Luckily our lovely friends were helping as well. Didi, the master chef,  wow-ed everyone with her finger-licking 'kuah kacang', I made the 'nasi impit', fried rice and fried chicken, Chibby and Tini were in-charge of the balloons, candles - they ran to Tesco and Costcutter in the middle of cold day just to get these things....Thnaks to Sarah, Wani, Rinie and Cici as well for coming and making it more special to Norma (see Norma, we love you so much you know... ^^v)

The Balloons ;)
What else eh?...mmm haaa!! To decorate the room, I opted for this origami flowers. (the truth is : haha  I have to made these flowers for an event  organised by Islamic Organisation..but..I guess it's alright to use them first for this event..huhu) It's fun doing this artwork you know!!it's not that complicated as you can always find tutorial videos on how to make an origami flower on Youtube ;) So...yeah!as the replacement for fresh flowers, these colourful flowers were created :D


About the cake..few days earlier, Norma wanted to make something with the fruit, as I didn't have much time and creativity to decorate the vanilla mini cake and cupcakes, I decided to use fruit cocktails to decorate them, and that's how it looked like :D (Alhamdulillah, Norma liked itt!!yeayy!!)

again - FLOWER... ;)
The mini cakes and cupcakes :)

One of my flatmates, Tom (he's the second person on earth who wished  Norma 'Happy Birthday!!) was so attracted to the butterfly and the flower-shaped paper notes when I showed him the pictures of this celebration...hehehe (nak ambik idea la tu untuk makwe die.. :P)

So Norma!!Happy Birthday darling!!!love you so much!!! :D

The beautiful lady with the blue scarf is my lovely friend Norma :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

new hand mixer, red velvet cupcake and I ^^v

Alkisahnya, buka konon-konon nak survey dekat clothing department...
Tp memandang kan semacam tak berminat,
teruslah ke kitchen and home konon-konon nak beli hadiah wedding untuk Kamarul and his wife...
Tp cari punya cari..heh!buntu!tak tahu nak beli ap....
Menyudahnya, beli hand mixer sebab dah lama nk membina bakat buat cupcake :P
So, pagi tadi "Dang!Dong!Dang!" pintu rumah diketuk..
"One minute!"
capai tudung, lari-lari turun tangga,buka pintu...
"Are you Nur?"
"Yes I am"
"Sign here please...and this is your parcel"
"Alright, thank you so much!have a nice day!"
(sgt seronok because uncle tu baik, senyum je..lagi bersemangat nk buat cupcake ^^v)

semangat, semangat jugak..bahan-bahan nak buat tak ada pun..hehehe
apa lagi..tukar baju, terus menuju ke TESCO...
cuaca panas hari ini..berpeluh dibuatnya...

setibanya dekat rumah, terus tu nk ber-battle dekat kitchen..hehe
sediakan bahan-bahan ikut macam recipe, then baru buat..
yang dalam picture dekat atas time butter, egg, baking powder, buttermilk, food colouring, cocoa powder, flour dah dicampurkan...
merah...ish2..kata nak buat RED velvet cupcake..
nasib baiklah ad housemate bawa colour tu dr Malaysia :)
susah nak cari dekat sini...
dah ok, masuk vinegar and baking soda, kacau rata, then bahagikan ke dalam case,
dah siap, masuk oven ^^v

sementara menanti, buat cream cheese frosting..
tp, malangnya..heh!
tak berapa nak menjadi..
dah guna extra thick punya double cream dah...
still tak menjadi..
tp, tak kisah la..
boleh bekukan dalam "reizoku" - peti sejuk :D

after 18-20 minutes, cucuk lidi at the center of the cupcakes,
and kalau keluar clean je,
dah siap la tu :)

taraaaaa!!siap dengan decoration strawberry!
(oh!that novel, beli time beli bahan-bahan tu..macam menarik je title die..terus grab ^^)

so..until next time :D>

Thursday, February 9, 2012

padahal nak jd cikgu JE pun..

amboi2, sedap nye mulut berbahasa..JE pun awak cakap?

awak ingat senang ke nak jadi cikgu? nak didik anak bangsa?

kalau tengok cikgu-cikgu yang tengah mengajar, yang tengah mark a pile of exam papers, yang tengah prepare handout for tomorrow's class, yang tengah fikir pasal students' problems, memang tak dapat dinafikan tugas cikgu mencabar..cikgu JE awak cakap?

right now, even though I'm yet to be a teacher, as a trainee teacher, the sensation or the aura of responsibility and duty as an educator has already overwhelmed not only me, but I bet each and every single teacher-to-be out there..

mana tak nya..if a teacher have to prepare lesson plans, handout, exam papers, plus to read and do research on the topic/subject to be taught every single day, come on, think about it...lots of effort and time needed, right?

oh-oh!if sekarang pun, as a trainee, ad 3 readings untuk 1 subject per day, kene buat lesson plan and worksheets, assignment and research, dah terase macam -

"banyak nye nak kene buat!"

"tak tido lah malam ni!"

"kene prepare ni esok ad micro-teaching..."

"ok tak ni eh tasks ni?"

lagi, kalau belajar pasal grammar, in-dept analysis tu..kene buat tree diagram macam yang dekat bawah ni..

(ni baru 0.0000000001 bahagian yg perlu belajar ^^)
bukan mudah kerjanya...macam nilah payahnya teacher-to-be belajar so that when the time comes, we'll have no problem to explain, to teach, to educate the future generation.. ;)

bukan setakat ilmu yang berkaitan dengan yang nak diajar je yang cikgu-cikgu belajar, siap ad yang ambik extra course - psychology lagi..punya la nak prepare...

so..such effort, would you still add the 'JE' after the extraordinary word 'CIKGU'?

if you do..what else can WE say...we have to be cool about it, because you don't experience the same environment, situation as we do, that's why it makes sense if you still can't think straight and thus spitting such pain-in-the-heart-words:

"ala..jadi cikgu JE pun.."
"eh!jadi cikgu JE?"

(terngiang-ngiang ap yg 2-3 org hamba Allah cakap di telingaku ini, xpelah...sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yg terbaik untuk hamba-Nya ^^v)

Friday, December 2, 2011

::my ATTIC room::

selepas undian dibuat, telah tercatat lah bahawa bilik baru sy di rumah 92, Gerard Avenue adalah di 'attic'...

(sgt gembira cause time survey rumah ni, bilik ni dihuni oleh a HANDSOME guy..time survey tu, this guy sedang S.T.U.D.Y...^^)

tetapi, atas dasar suka sama suka, sy tukar bilik dgn housemate yg turut dapat bilik attic..

our house has 6 rooms - 2 bilik attic, 3 lg di tingkat satu dan yg satu lagi di tingkat bawah, dkt dengan kitchen..

susah jugak la nk organise and decorate my room sebab only one side of the room je yg boleh guna if nk letak almari segala..

(macam nak patah pinggang bile alihkan katil, tarik almari, meja tu long as I'm happy with the result ^^)

(the H.E.A.R.T ^^)
-sepenuh jiwa dan raga hati ini dibentuk-

(meja study..sgt suke table lamp tu...beli kat carboot sale..3pound!berrrbalooii!)

(kan, nampak kecik kan..bilik ni memanjang...n one side je boleh gune...)

(if ambik gambar mcm ni, nampak BESAR sikit ^^)

I love this room!
I have been dreaming of having an attic room, and here it is!!